Friday, August 12, 2005

Stone ~ side story

傳說中每一種石頭也有著某些力量, 可以影響周圍的生物. 以下是某所食店的漂亮女店主掛在餐室牆上的石頭力量一覽表:

AMBER: healing stone, enhances immune system, guards against radiation
AGATE(red): career success, confidence and prosperity
AGATE(blue): attracts long lasting friendship, trust and loyalty
AMETHSY: enhances mental clarity, calms, improves memory
AQUAMARINE: healing stone, reduces stress, mind quietness
BLUE LACE AGATE: calms, cools, ice breaker stone, better communication
CAT EYE: self esteem, positive attitude and confidence
CARNELION: brings happiness and generosity, increase motivation
CITRINE: draws money and wealth, helps to see your goals
CHERRY QUARTZ: stone of selfless love and compassion, improves self-worth
CORAL: helps communicate better with families and kids
CLEAR QUARTZ: maintains health, healing, increase strength and energy
FLUORITE: protects against computer and electromagnetic stress
GARNET: stimulates sexuality, hormone balance, antibodies, fertility
GREEN PHANTOM: stone of wealth, promotes career development and success
HEMATITE: stress relief, reduce tiredness, avoid anger and impatience
JADE: good luck, long life, protection, release negative energy
LAPIS: powerful thought amplifier, best for sleep and dreams
MOONSTONE: stone protects against rage, envy and fear
OBSIDIAN: transforms negative environment energies
ONYX: guardian stone, peace and protection
PEARL: marriage prosperity, maintains love in active stage
PERIDOT: releases negative patterns and habits, promotes well-being
ROSE QUARTZ: love stone, helps better relationship, develop inner beauty
RUTILATED QUARTZ: brings wealth, personal achievement, and luck
SAND STONE: enhance leadership power, confidence
SMOKEY QUARTZ: relieves fear, lifts depression, neutralizes negative body energy
TIGER EYE: stimulates courage, aids accomplishing ambition
TURQUOISE: strengthen concentration, peace of mind, emotional balance
TOPAZ: steady for mental clarity, focus, high level concepts
TOURMALINE: calming stone, a deep soul cleanser

看過這個列表後, 我對石頭的負面力量極感興趣. 看看我在日後能否找到有關的資料吧.


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