Sunday, February 17, 2008


此刻的音樂表演, 是講求演奏者如何了解作曲者在樂曲中想表達的東西, 再以怎樣的音色與節奏去演奏出樂曲原來的感覺. 但對我這個變態的人來說, 最有趣的可是如何在原有的樂曲中加進新的音符, 透過原作者想表達的東西以展示出我想表達的另外思想. 這樣才有新的樂曲誕生, 人們也不用永遠停留在那數十個偉大樂譜之中.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The New Factor

He brings the new factor into his life on Monday, thanks to the Moon in fiery Aries in his sector of self. He is usually on the cutting edge of what is hot in fashion, and he is a real trendsetter when it comes to the way he presents himself. Once he wears a new outfit, everyone he knows starts wearing the same item. Remember that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and try not to get too agitated when he discovers that his friends and acquaintances are copying the way he dresses, acts, and looks. Thursday is Valentine's Day, and he makes a real splash in his social circle as the Sun trines his ruling planet Mars in Gemini. His calendar should be filled with activities and invitations. If he wants to make new friends and contacts, this is a great week to bring new people into his life. Try not to get so wrapped up with his new associates that he forget all about his old companions. He usually pour himself into new endeavors and experiences, but the tried-and-true loyal friends he has known for years need some time and attention also.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shall we fire?

It's the time for some real fun:

- "No zombie can get near me..." -